Welcome to the enchanting world of Little Lightworkers!

Within this collection, you will embark on a journey that goes beyond the ordinary, embracing the extraordinary qualities that illuminate the spirits of our young ones.

Little Lightworkers Mindfulness Cards for Kids
Positive Affirmations Cards

Each of the 38 cards capture the imagination through beautiful imagery, enchanting storytelling and guided exercises to deeply connect with each of the themes.

Infused with wisdom and sprinkled with whimsy, Little Lightworkers beckons children to explore the realms of mindfulness, empathy empowerment and self-discovery

Little Lightworkers Positive Affirmation Cards for Kids
Little Lightworkers Mindful Affirmation Cards
Little Lightworkers Affirmation Cards for Kids
Little Lightworkers Kids Affirmation Cards and Meditation for Kids

✨ facilitate growth through play, visualization, positive affirmation, movement, introspection and dialogue

use them one-on-one or in group settings

perfect for teachers and child therapists

Literally birthed from a dream ✨

Stuck in the depths of despair that accompanies the dark night of the soul, I sent out a prayer asking for a sign to show me that I was on the right path.

The next morning I awoke to a dream that showed me Little Lightworkers and the creative path I was to embark on.

A path that would require me to let go of everything I was and had in order to support something so divinely guided. It was through this journey, aimed to support children, that I was able to finally heal my own inner-child.

Jenic Mantashian
Jenic Mantashian with Little Lightworkers

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